One of the big changes from the 5th edition is coverage of issues related to computer technology:
- dealing with supplemental data
- referencing electronic sources
- a new APAstyle Web page
1. Writing for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
2. Manuscript Structure and Content
3. Writing Clearly and Concisely
4. The Mechanics of Style
5. Displaying Results
6. Crediting Sources
7. Reference Examples
8. The Publication Process
Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS)
Meta-Analysis Reporting Standards (MARS)
Flow of Participants Through Each Stage of an Experiment or Quasi-Experiment
The new Publication Manual includes changes in:
Simplified Heading Styles
Updated guidelines for reducing bias in language
New ways to report inferential statistics and revised table of statistical abbreviations
Ways to handle data sets and media
Displaying electronic data
Emphasis on DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
The Publication Process
Pre-order the Publication Manual HERE