Monday, November 10, 2008

Irritating Phrases

A new book, Damp Squid, lists the most irritating phrases in English. Written by Jeremy Butterfield, it documents many interesting facts about English words. Recently, the Telegraph listed Butterfield's collection of the ten most irritating phrases. Here they are in order:
  1. At the end of the day (very British)
  2. Fairly unique (It's either unique or not)
  3. I personally (As opposed to...)
  4. At this moment in time (Now)
  5. With all due respect (I'm about to disrespect you)
  6. Absolutely
  7. It's a nightmare
  8. Shouldn't of (Shouldn't have)
  9. 24/7
  10. It's not rocket science (Does anyone remember when it was rocket science?)
Avoid phrases like the above in your writing. Think of other phrases that are equally irritating or trite. One of my pet peeves is "chomping at the bit," it should be "champing at the bit."

Finding the mot juste or just the right word is one of writing's pleasures.

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